miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2018

Students' manifestations: strikes and paros

Chile is facing a new period of manifestations in universities and school across the country. This time it is not about profits in education or free education for everyone or the quality of the contents and teachers/professors; this time the issue is about sexual harassment within the schools and universities, sexist education and injustice (people who have been accused of wrong behavior are still working and interacting with the victims). Girls and women are protesting against this abuse and they have decided to go on strike or have tomas (via democratic vote) to manifest and make themselves heard. Most of their male classmates support them.

A lot of people do not agree with this situation or they don't understand the meaning of this movement. "What is the relation between abuse and stop classes?" or "a toma is violent, feminists are violent" are ideas that I hear a lot these days.

In my opinion, this is also related to education because for years we have been told that professors and teachers are right and they have the power to act and we only have to obey and study, but guess what...some people believe that they have the power to do whatever they want and never question their position or their privilege or their role. I think our role is to provide knowledge and help you develop your skills (not only language skills) and be part of a healthy environment. Professors are as important as the students and as important as the people who clean the university. We are part of an entity and we should work together to have a nice context where we can all share and grow as a community. If that means that strikes and tomas are part of the process, we have to be able to reflect on these situations and create an environment where everybody feels safe and comfortable to learn, study and to grow as a person/student/teacher.

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Use the following words: strikes, issue, manifest, power, role, environment.



6 comentarios:

  1. We must understand that social mobilizations, such as strikes, walkouts and tomas, have emerged as organized struggles of different social actors in the course of the history of our country. So, the struggles and social movements for decent housing, quality education, environment, manifests against the privatization of education, job insecurity, struggles for gender equality, for example. In all these manifestations we can find groups of people in disagreement, which often emit critical opinions without being informed mainly of the causes or why of these organized struggles.

    With respect to the mobilizations of our contingencies, strikes and takeovers at a national level with a feminist seal and led by women (in secondary and higher education), they constitute a historical milestone since it is one of the few moments in our national history in which women are organized from educational institutions to make visible and mandate fair demands, both within the educational level and in the persistent inequalities in all areas for the mere fact of being a woman (labor, political and economic issues).

    In relation to the people and groups that disagree with these stoppages and takings, I think that this is related to little information regarding the links of these mobilizations with the already known struggles in education. The petition of women organized throughout the country incorporates demands for a non-sexist education, support for students who are violated or sexually harassed by professors, officials or peers of their educational institutions, creation and reformulation of action protocols for cases of gender violence both for students and officials, incorporation of chairs linked to critical feminist perspectives in academic programs, among others.

    We must be empowered women to fight and transform the traditional role that has been assigned to us!

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. The process that we are experiencing it deserve hundred of reverences.I really don't care the coments of the people about it, trying to discredit or disparage all the things that are happening with the feminist movement, in fact it's pretty obvius that bad tongues or gossips were going to appear. That kind of people don't understend because are very confortable in they social position, but definitely, we don't. We are hundreds of womes saying no more violence, and this time we are acting for real, more stronger than never. The reaction that it's happening right now it started like a spark and now it's a movement that set fire in all the country. It's feel wanderfull, its a huge step for the social balance. The strikes and the tomas are a symbol of real fight against the historical abuse from the mens to the womens. And it's a very effective way to fight because this manifest are for improve the pleace where we spent a lot of time, the pleace where we share experiences and learned. If we make that pleace better surely we will feel better, we'll feel calms and confortable with or selfs.


  4. In our society is normal the sexual violence, daily girls and womans we´re exposed to more forms of harassment, and the university and school, not are security place, because as see in this place have occurred and happen abuse,
    feminist is a movement that to fights for women's rights, and the equality between mens and womans, today in the we´re faculty, university and country, womans have said “stop”, stop to the sexual harassment within the schools and universities, stop to sexist education and injustic. The strikes, tomas and paros are device to be heard, for the purpose of that authority of the university, the society and the government, create awareness and together let's build a change.
    and so issue a safe enviroment for coexistence, so that everyone and everyone who is part of this university can be safe and at peace,
    and for this all people have an important role.

  5. The environment that surrounds our country is a historic event where thousands of women have joined, in which women have taken a leading role in this feminist seal, be it with marches, strikes or assemblies with the aim of giving power and confidence to each woman to fight and demonstrate against any type of abuse that has happened.
    With regard to people who do not agree with the movement and issue against it, I think it is due to the macho environment for which they have been raised for a large part of their lives and the lack of information about the demands of this struggle, which includes non-sexist education, support for students who are sexually harassed by students or officials of their educational institutions, incorporation of chairs linked to critical feminist perspectives in academic programs, among others.
    It is time to say enough is time for us to change the role that history has given us and that together we fight for a non-sexist education.

  6. It was wonderful to see a movement develop with the strength and representation as the feminist movement in Chile did. I believe that the criticisms are because of the nature of the mobilizations (separatist sit-in) but it can't be denied the amount of work that was developed during the process of sit-in. The visibility of the really important, I doubt that feminist movement loses it's current representation, I believe that althrough it has different branches as any other social movement, it is capable of uniting a subject in pursuit of a cause that in today's society it was time it will manifest.


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