miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2018

Students's manifestations

This week, students from Carmela Carvajal and Tajamar school took over the Instituto National as a protest against sexist behavior and education. The students blocked the gates and doors of the institute and manifested their anger against the abusive acts that students and teachers from such institution have practiced along the years. Recently, a cleaning person from Haiti reported that she was abused by a group of students. This was the origin of the manifestation. The students from Carmela Carvajal and Tajamar also claim that "institutanos" use aggressive language and that they feel harassed by these situations.

The students and authorities of the Instituto Nacional have reacted against this act and expressed that this is a violent act and that this group of (female) students are violent and that they don't respect the traditions of the institute and that democracy has been broken.

I think that this is a clear example of the naturalization of wrong behavior that has been  present in our society and culture for many years. The men feel insulted and exposed and they need to express their discontent against these girls, but they don't talk about the hidden reality within their institution and the privilege they have because they are the most respectable ONLY MEN school in Chile. This is just an example of how things operate in our society.

These girls are trying to change things, to unbalance the status quo and to generate a discussion of the issue. Maybe, some people see this as a violent act but changes are not easy to accept and action seems to be the only way to obtain something in a conservative culture that doesn't want to wake up.

What do you think?

Write 150 words about this topic.

Use the following words: protest, anger, language, against, democracy, society, action.

Write a comment.


miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2018

Students' manifestations: strikes and paros

Chile is facing a new period of manifestations in universities and school across the country. This time it is not about profits in education or free education for everyone or the quality of the contents and teachers/professors; this time the issue is about sexual harassment within the schools and universities, sexist education and injustice (people who have been accused of wrong behavior are still working and interacting with the victims). Girls and women are protesting against this abuse and they have decided to go on strike or have tomas (via democratic vote) to manifest and make themselves heard. Most of their male classmates support them.

A lot of people do not agree with this situation or they don't understand the meaning of this movement. "What is the relation between abuse and stop classes?" or "a toma is violent, feminists are violent" are ideas that I hear a lot these days.

In my opinion, this is also related to education because for years we have been told that professors and teachers are right and they have the power to act and we only have to obey and study, but guess what...some people believe that they have the power to do whatever they want and never question their position or their privilege or their role. I think our role is to provide knowledge and help you develop your skills (not only language skills) and be part of a healthy environment. Professors are as important as the students and as important as the people who clean the university. We are part of an entity and we should work together to have a nice context where we can all share and grow as a community. If that means that strikes and tomas are part of the process, we have to be able to reflect on these situations and create an environment where everybody feels safe and comfortable to learn, study and to grow as a person/student/teacher.

What do you think?

Write 150 on the topic.
Leave a comment.
Use the following words: strikes, issue, manifest, power, role, environment.



martes, 1 de mayo de 2018

Santiago from my study program's point of view

Hi there, today I'm going to write about Santiago considering the perspectives related to my study program. I studied English literature and linguistics and, to be honest, I cannot find many references regarding English literature in our city. However, there is a small neighborhood downtown where the streets, squares and corners are similar to the ones we find in some old English books (Sherlok Holmes, for example). That place is known as "París-Londres". It is a bit similar to those places, but in a sort of cliché way. Also, there are some bars around that are inspired by English pubs (Irish pubs too) and that's all. Nevertheless, I think that Valparaíso is more related to the English culture and literature because of the sailors that came from England in the old days, the architecture you see in the middle of the city near the port and even some bars and restaurant have an English inspiration. I'm thinking of Liverpool or Manchester, maybe, but I could be wrong.

In terms of liguistics, there is a lot to say about Santiago and the English language. First of all, I can say that not many people speak a second language here in Chile (not because they are not able to do it, by the way) and English seems to be a real issue for some people. This can be related to their experience at school. This may be eplained because of the way they were exposed to the English language, the system we have to face and the teachers and professors who did not know how to motivate their students or help them in the learning process (I remember spending months and years learning the verb to be). Also, some people think it's not necessary to learn a second language because we are surrounded by Spanish speaking countries and we don't need another language to communicate (again, I think this is part of our education politics and the system they represent).

Anyhow, I'd like to say more things but I want to know what you see in Santiago from the point of view of your study program or the field that you are studying.

I can't wait to read your post!



A carrer related article

Hi there! Please, go to  http://santiagotimes.cl/  and find an article that can be related to your career or your studies. read it and wri...