My name is Lucas Araya. I am 36 years old and I am an English tutor.
I studied English and linguistics at the University of Chile and now I am currently working at this university and other institutions.
After I graduated from highschool in 1999, I moved to Australia and lived there for six months. I didn't speak English at the time but I had to learn so I could survive. I used to watch cartoons and and sitcoms like Seinfeld and Friends. Also, I talked to people at shops and bars. That's how I learned to speak English. I also worked as a cleaner at a second-hand shop where they let me take one record (vinyl) once a week. That's how I started my record collection.
I came back to Chile and I started to study English at the University. I met my best friends while I was studying.
Once I finished my studies I started to work as an English instructor. I have been doing this for ten years and every year I have the chance of meeting new and interesting students.
I love music. I really enjoy listening to music and playing music with my friends.
I also love cooking, trying new kinds of food, riding my bike and spending time with my four dogs.
I hope we can have a good time in class and learn a lot.
Hi Lucas, wath kind of food do you like to cook? , see you soon.
Hi. I like to cook vegetarian stuff: hummus, beans, salads, and the like.
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ResponderEliminarhello lucas, I'm janett. Where did Australia live? It's pretty over there ?